Firstly, thanks to ANet for the whole "Hero" addition.
Secondly, my appologies if this has already been written about.
To the matter, I currently have a hero that runs Balthazar's Spirit. This has been excellent for my warrior but improved AI for this skill would be great. So far the AI has been ok in the fact that almost always when going into battle i have the enchant cast on me. The downward spiral does not occur until there happens to be more then one melee class in my group.
I can deal with the AI or Hero controls not allowing me to specify that i want that spell only cast on me by simply making groups that have only me as the melee class. What i have started to really find annouying though is the fact that if a PET of all things is in my group that the hero will cast Balthazar's Spirit on the PET as well. lawl!
Be such a sweet option if by shift clicking certain spells on the hero mini command display that those spells would only be used for the player and not for any NPCs.
More options for Hero customization would be great, but why don't you just disable Balt Spirit on the hero skillbar (shift+click), and cast it manually when you need it?
More options for Hero customization would be great, but why don't you just disable Balt Spirit on the hero skillbar (shift+click), and cast it manually when you need it?
I must be doing something wrong or since i mapped shift to target closest enemy but either way shift clicking for me does nothing but place a check on the spell and they proceed to cast it. Going to turn keybinds to default and try again though. Thx.